Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A New Chapter in the Epic Tale of Thee Broke...CITY BOY

"Don't call it a comeback..." You gotta actually "make it" to the top to fall to the bottom to comeback. Lucky for me, I'm still making it...

But, hark! Do I hear a breakout performance stirring? YES- I am launching my Kick Starter for my solo piece, CITY BOY.  This piece is a testament to my work as an independent artist and how I'm trying to DIY (Do It Yourself) my career. That don't mean a brother ain't got back-up. I got a hit list of repeat supporters who always know when to show me LOVE. No man/woman is an island, though the daily struggle seems solitary. Even a solo performer has a crew. I'm building my squad and looking forward to many a struggle and victory with them.

Lastly (for now), a note on perspective:

Up to this point, my life as an artist has been romantic and foolish. And that's fine. I really have no regrets. I have lived much and experienced more than some. And, I'm still fairly young. But this new chapter brings with it a sense I have rarely embraced...reality. The real for me has been mostly an after thought to what I wanted. I desired, I went for it, then dealt with the real. Some times it worked in my favor (for a period), and then other times, ouch! reality bites. But hey, I'm still here. This time, I can actually "see" what is real. I can step back, while involved in what I'm doing, and see what is actually going on. I am aware of my actions. I can choose based on what is happening. It is real to me, not just a romantic idea.

So, I am now making the choice to have a real life. One with the things that I have always wanted and are possible to have. Like an apartment (almost real). And, a job (real), which I'll keep until I get a better one (will be real).

By the way...
I'm still a romantic fool, at-heart. Just more sense-able<8}

Forever FREE,