That is the question that rattles my brains as I decide everyday what do with my life. I am sitting in an empty office writing this while waiting for my paycheck to magically appear in my checking account.
Everyday is a beautiful fucked-up struggle between the fun of creating and imagining and the humdrum grunting of "making a living." Though I am thankful to be in school, finding myself with a steady paycheck (starting friday), and a place to "create," the Hamlet existential query dances in my noggin.
Because guess what, my fellow brokes, grad school don't guarantee nada but another fancy paper with squiggly lines and your name mounted on your parents' wall. You still gotta enlist in the work force. You still gotta pay the loans. You still gotta hustle for your art.
Just keeping it real. But who knows: maybe with the future collapse of our economic system, and the devaluing of the dollar, the artist will be the one with something to offer that's cheap (free) and price-less...
Maybe then Hamlet will say: To sing, or not to sing, or dance, or write, or act, or (fill in your art).
That's the quest-ion.
forever Free,
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