Friday, September 16, 2011

A Broke Ass (not so) Starving Artist Returns to NYC

I'm back. Well, on my way. En route. Tonight at 7pm, I will read some of my poetry and works-in-progress at WordUp Bookstore ( I look forward to sharing my work and creating a history of doing so. Wordup feels like the right place to for a potential professional artist to present his workings.

This weekend getaway marks the first of what I hope will be a monthly routine: The lure of the big grey beast calling me to eat from its bellyful of Life. I hope to come out filled to the brim.

Besides Wordup, I'll be lazze-faireing in Lower Manna-hatty, checking out Duarte Square and the Museum of the American Indian. Duarte Sq is home to a monument dedicated to Juan Pablo Duarte, the famous liberator of the Dominican Republic. But I must admit, I've got ulterior motives:

I am in search of Juan "Jan" Rodrigues. The First New Yorker. There may be a plaque in his name at the square. I'll tell you more about him at a later date...

All this to be said: IT'S FREE. Wordup. Museum. Jan. They're all at no cost to the participant. Just time. time and effort. Can we remain in such a way to be free to have choose our time? Or, is it only through a "break" from the work schedule, the 9-5, or 6, 40+ a week, 365, years of service for what? a weekend? 2 weeks paid vacation? How can you break when you know you have to come back...

Hi. Got a bit lost in reality. My bad:o}

My fellow brokes,

Enjoy your time off. Don't stress about shit you can't control at the office. It only matters in the annual report. Laugh. Love. Live. I'm planning on taking a bit of my own advice. See ya later.

forever Free,

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